What It's About:
Discover sales and marketing techniques to yield results from the start and on a limited budget. Learn ways to grow and protect your brand with design, surveys and reviews, marketing minimum must-haves and measurements in social engagement. Discover techniques/automation for selling homes with self-tours, virtual presentations and video and how to outline the stages to implement technology and software into your sales and marketing efforts. Gain insights from new sales and marketing programs to provide guidance on prioritizing the initial, low-cost efforts. This session is ideal for home builders looking to learn innovative techniques that offer the greatest impact on a shoe-string budget.
What You’ll Learn
• Discover how to build and protect a brand image that projects trust and strength in three key areas.
• Uncover strategies for stair stepping your business growth, focusing on what you can accomplish and afford first.
• Learn techniques for marketing and selling more homes with less effort through process optimization and automation.
• Identify the marketing minimum must-haves that deliver the greatest impact from the start.
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