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In 2024 Perpetual Training Is No Longer Optional

Joe Stoddard — President, Mountain Consulting Group
May 15th at 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM, Room: Room 2

How to develop a training habit  that will transform your company into a market-leader, or keep you there!  

Why do some builders struggle in almost every aspect of their businesses... while others seem to “get it right” no matter how many curve-balls the “economy” or the  “market” throws at them?   

In one word: TRAINING. 

Why should a buyer purchase a house from you?  SMA has observed hundreds of homebuilding operations over several decades.  That experience has revealed one absolute truth:  Just “hiring the best” is only the first step to an excellent home building company. Your “A-Team” also needs perpetual training with a focus on industry best-practices, continuous improvement in a constantly changing environment, and “speaking with one voice” in terms of what your company builds, how you build it, and how that represents real value to your buyers.   

So you need a training program (or two or three…) , but what should that include?  How much time and money should you budget and what material should you include?  This session will take you through the steps successful trainers (including SMA) use to build first-class training programs. We’ll teach you what has worked, and what we had to re-think along the way.  We’ll also introduce some exciting new changes and improvements to SMA’s training offerings for the balance of 2024 and 2025



  • -          What is the “Great Game of Business” approach to training, and why is it so successful?  

  • -          Why  it’s important that  every department from Sales, Finance, Production Support, Construction, and Warranty can “sing off the same sheet of music”

  • -          What’s a good training budget in both time and dollars for every department in your company?

  • -           How to ensure that your staff is “planting seeds” of confidence and respect  when they interact with your trades, vendors, and new home buyers, and how to avoid planting “seeds of doubt”  

-          Are they learning?  Why it’s critical that all progress can be measured, and how to accomplish that in your organization

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